On April 30th the first annual ‘Cruise Heights’ was held in Haddon Heights sponsored by the Haddon Heights Businessman’s and Professional Association. The event was hosted by The Original Garden State Corvette Club. DJ Al Snyder provided great oldies tunes. Really cool dash plaques were given out to all attendees. Trophies were presented by OGSCC for best Street Rod, best GM, best Ford, Best Mopar, best Import and best Corvette. There was a great collection of cars that made up the 38 cars that attended. We had 12 club cars as well.
Everyone was pleased with the first time event considering the weather up to the day of show was undecided. The HHBPA and OGSCC look forward to next year and building on this first time event. Thanks to all the OGSCC members who came out to support and assist in the event.
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Author: OGSCC
2015 Car Guy Award
The Show Finder Organization that coordinates the area car show listings for the Delaware Valley hosts an annual
breakfast conference every year to gather area Clubs together to review the upcoming year. Over 250 people from area Car clubs, civic organizations, township municipalities and area business owners attend in order to promote their upcoming events before they are published in the monthly “Show Finder” publication that goes to over 2,000 car enthusiasts.

One of the highlights of the conference is that at the end of each meeting they will announce the “Car Guy of the Year” award, which is awarded to the one person who really impacted the collector car hobby that year. It is a great honor to awarded such an award and to be acknowledged by your peers for the work you have done. There is no set criteria for the award so it can not be earned by doing certain tasks, but rather it’s earned by doing great things for others when no one is looking.
Well for the first time in the 16 year history of the award it was NOT awarded to a Car Guy, but rather it was awarded to an entire Car Club. The 2015 Car Guy of the Year award was awarded to the Original Garden State Corvette Club. In 2015 OGSCC did wonderful charity work in the local communities where our member live. We donated a total of over $7,500 to area charities and that included a trailer
full of brand new toys presented at Johnson’s Corner Farm and Toys For Tots. But it wasn’t just the monetary donations, the Club was also very active in community events that included participating in Independence Day Parades, local homecoming parades and other civic organization gatherings. They hosted three major car shows, catering to old and new cars, foreign and domestic alike and over a half dozen “Cruise In Nights” that always have a nice relaxed feel to them. The Original Garden State Corvette Club was invited to attend the Show Finder conference as a group this year and we had 14 members present, and to all of our surprise the Show Finder Board awarded the 2015 trophy to all of the members in attendance.

is the second time in last five years that the Original Garden State Corvette Club has been associated with this
award. In 2011 Jeffrey Duda, the Club President at the time was elected the Car Guy of the Year for the Club’s work in
supporting the yet to be built, Jake’s Place Boundless Playground.

award. In 2011 Jeffrey Duda, the Club President at the time was elected the Car Guy of the Year for the Club’s work in
supporting the yet to be built, Jake’s Place Boundless Playground.
NJ Cars and Coffee
Early in the morning on September 27th a group of 10 Corvettes from the OGSCC met at The Recovery Room near exit 5 of the NJ Turnpike for a run to NJ Cars and Coffee in Millstone, NJ. After our owners and passengers were ready to go we got on the road for the trip two ex
its north on the Turnpike. It sure felt good to flex our horsepower and get some rubber on the road. The Mobil 1 was warm and flowing smoothly while we were cruising along getting our photos and videos taken by some crazy people driving by us. Upon arriving at
the Moto Business Park we were directed to park on the side of the road that ran around the perimeter of the park. Our owners and their passengers got out and left us sitting there while they walked around looking at the hundred
s of other cars there of all makes and models from the very old to the brand new. There were some of our family members there from our fore fathers of the C1 generation to the young hot shots with all of their high tech stuff from the new C7 generation. After our owners got back from their walk we got to cruise through part of the other cars on our way out it was good to see some old friends and family members on the way out. The ride home was uneventful and I was not looking forward to being stuck in the garage again. The next NJ Cars and Coffee is on October 18th but I won’t get to go because I will probably be stuck in the garage again while my owners go to the Smithville Corvette Rendezvous and get to hang out with over 200 of my other family members.
its north on the Turnpike. It sure felt good to flex our horsepower and get some rubber on the road. The Mobil 1 was warm and flowing smoothly while we were cruising along getting our photos and videos taken by some crazy people driving by us. Upon arriving at

s of other cars there of all makes and models from the very old to the brand new. There were some of our family members there from our fore fathers of the C1 generation to the young hot shots with all of their high tech stuff from the new C7 generation. After our owners got back from their walk we got to cruise through part of the other cars on our way out it was good to see some old friends and family members on the way out. The ride home was uneventful and I was not looking forward to being stuck in the garage again. The next NJ Cars and Coffee is on October 18th but I won’t get to go because I will probably be stuck in the garage again while my owners go to the Smithville Corvette Rendezvous and get to hang out with over 200 of my other family members.
By The Vette
A Day at the Beach Corvette Style 2015
This past Sunday, September 20th, 25 OGSCC members gathered in Ocean City, N.J. for the A Day at the Beach Corvette Style sponsored by Boardwalk Corvettes from Atlantic City, N.J. We caravanned over from Micky D’s to the airport for staging for the traditional parade to the boardwalk with 450 other Corvettes from the Tri-State area. We entered the Boardwalk at 14th Street with a huge crowd greeting the cars and drive 2 abreast down the Boardwalk to the Music Pier and then line up from there. The weather was excellent as there was a steady breeze and partly sunny. Everyone brought their car show chairs and we enjoyed the parade of folks viewing the cars. This was a huge day for Ocean City, the vendors on the Boardwalk and all the show cars who attended. This event has grown in popularity over the years and now is a pre-registration only event. If you want to join the event and be at the shore, watch for the early registration notification sent by your club in the early Spring.

The first in line

Waiting at the airport.

Boardwalk tattoo.