As 2020 is coming to a close, OGSCC is wrapping up a very busy November and here are some of the highlights in case you were not able to attend. The coming months our activities really slow down and ramp back up in the Spring, but we are closing out 2020 with a flurry of activity. In no particular order here goes!!
On Veteran’s Day we continued are support of the Vineland’s Veteran Home with a $500 donation. This brings our annual donations to this organization up to $700. Here is the thank you letter we received from them showing their gratitude. Thank You to all of the Club members and extended family members whom have served our Country.
Our Club participated in a regional car event to gather food for the WMMR 93.3 Camp Out For Hunger Food Drive. We had 6 Corvettes from the Club attend and a total of 30+ Corvettes from across the area. There was over 200 cars at the event, all delivering food for the event. The car community has a fun challenge to top each other every year. In 2019 the Corvettes donated 1,674 pounds of food, in 2020 Corvettes donated 6,860 pounds of food, a huge increase and we jumped over a bunch of other marques, including MINI, Mustangs, and Jeeps. 5,000 pounds of that food was directly from OGSCC, since we donated $1,000 to the event, which is converted into pounds towards the Corvette overall total.
Below is a Facebook link to the Corvette line up at the event as well as some photos from the day and a thank you letter from Philabundance.
The Club is not done with food donations, as we are planning to delivery food to area food panties across Southern NJ in early December. So watch your emails for dates, times and locations for those donations.
Later in the week on Wednesday, I attended the Camp Out For Hunger to discuss my business donation. Of course while I was live on the radio I made certain to mention OGSCC and the donation we made to the event. Check out this You Tube link and fast forward to listen and see the broadcast.
Live Radio Broadcast, fast forward to 4 hour, 5 minute, 30 second mark.
This past weekend had a bunch of things going on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday night the Club met at Target to buy toys for a donation to Toys For Tots at Johnson’s Corner Farm on Saturday.Due to some savvy buying and employee discounts we were able to buy over $4,000 retail value of toys for donations!! This is the most we have been able to buy in the past. Toys For Tots really needs it this year, not only related to the pandemic but they also lost over $5,000 worth of toys, due to water damage at their storage facility. So our donation really helped them this year. Here is a photo of the shopping crew and the loaded trailer.
Saturday was the donation day at Johnson’s. Johnson’s again rolled out the red carpet for our Club. Yes we arrived early, and it was good thing we did. We parked the trailer and our Corvettes in the front row of the event. By 10:30am the Johnson’s parking lot was over flowing with attendees. Folks did a great job of being safe and bringing toys along for the kids.
Below are two videos, one of us unloading the trailer, which took nearly 20 minutes, and another video from the toy depot.
Starting to unload the toy trailer
At the Toys For Tots Depot
On Sunday, the group, High Octane of South Jersey, who hosts the Saturday morning Cars & Coffee in Mt. Laurel, hosted a road rally. We had two members attend the event, yet the event had over 40 cars in attendance. Just like the Saturday morning gatherings, everything on wheels was in attendance, from Miatas to Ferraris, it’s about driving fun cars. We left Mt. Laurel and rallied down to the Deauville Inn in Strathmere, NJ where we had a chance to grab a nice lunch.