This past weekend was a good weekend for OGSCC. We had club cars attend the Beach Bums Corvette Show on Long Beach Island on Saturday. Jeff Duda, Peter Goldman, Howard Veit, Jim Ruch and myself along with Lynn. The day started out very overcast with fog covering the bay. After a short time the sun was out and it got pretty warm. Jeff was there promoting the 2019 Caravan and the rest of us just enjoyed the nice day. Around 2 o’clock the weather looked like it was taking a turn for the worse so they decided to get it done early so everyone could get going in case the rain moved in. When it was all over Jim took first place in his class and Howard and I each took 3rd place in our classes.

On Sunday we had one club member attend the Lakes Wine and Shine event. I had a family commitment but Lynn and I went over around noon to walk around and check things out. While there we met up with Howard Veit who the lone club member there with his car. There was a decent number of cars there but probably not what they had expected. The rain held until right before the trophies were given out. Howard got a little wet but was still happy with his 2nd place trophy.